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What To Do With A Burst Pipe?

Burst pipes would cost £1000s worth of damage to your property. One frozen pipe could easily turn your property into

Here are some tell-tale signs that your property has a busted pipe. If you catch any of these red flags, it might be in your best interest to look around immediately. 

Signs of a Busted Water Pipe

  • Fluctuating water pressure
  • Sudden spike on your water bill
  • Clanging Noise
  • Water puddles forming on the floor
  • Musty smell

Don’t ignore these signs if you find any on your property. Small leaks can turn a disastrous way when you leave them alone. You can read more on how to address, identify and prevent water leaks here.

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Having a burst pipe in the household is probably one of the worst things that can happen to your household. Everyone knows that bad things happen when your pipe bursts. Some of the negative results of a burst pipe include house flooding, mould, wet floorboards, property destruction, etc.

Wintertime is usually when most households experience a burst pipe. The water inside the pipes freezes and expands, leading to burst pipes. Often, homeowners find about their burst pipe too late – when the damage is already irreparably bad and the house is a mess.

How To Prevent Burst Pipes

When wintertime comes, water freezing inside your pipes can often lead to a burst pipe. Water damage will definitely cost you so much money. Here, we discuss some of the ways on how to prevent burst pipes. 

  1. Run Water In Your Pipes Every Day

Water freezes at 32°F. Remember this number. When the temp reaches this number, make sure that you run water in your pipes every day. Just open your faucet for a minute or two. Pipes won’t freeze when water moves through your plumbing.

  1. Turn Off Your Water

If you’re going out on a holiday, turn off your water system. Your pipes won’t freeze when there is no cold water running through them. Empty out your pipes. Nothing is worse than dealing with water damage after a relaxing holiday. Once you’ve shut off your valve, get rid of any standing water in your pipes by draining it all. Open both your cold tap and your hot tap and make sure they’re both completely drained out.

  1. Install Thermal Insulating Tape

Do you have exposed pipes? You can easily go to the hardware store and buy rolls of thermal insulating tape. The tape prevents your pipes from freezing. Just cover your pipes with this tape and it will prevent your pipe from reaching freezing temperatures.

  1. Don’t Use Drain Cleaners

When you have a drain blockage, don’t use drain cleaners. It might sound counterintuitive but many experts recommend not using drain cleaners. Harsh chemicals present will weaken the structural integrity of your pipes. This is also how to stop a water leak from happening. use natural methods for cleaning out blockages like baking soda and vinegar instead.

  1. Have A Wall Thermometer

You should know where the majority of your pipes are located. Install a wall thermometer inside that room so that you can monitor the temperature. When your temp goes below 32 degrees, you will know that you should take extra steps. 

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What To Do With A Burst Pipe?

So the unthinkable happened. You have a burst pipe. Don’t panic. Here are the steps on what to do when you have a burst pipe in your home.

  1. Shut off the Water Main

The first thing to do when you have a burst pipe is to shut off your water main. Everyone in the household must know where the main water valve and fuse box are in case of an emergency. Turning off your water will make sure that you do not flood your entire house. Doing so also reduces the number of items damaged by the water overflow.

  1. Turn Off Your Power

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Bust out some flashlights and turn off your power along with your water supply. You don’t want to accidentally electrocute yourself or a family member, do you? Or worse. Start a fire. Once you have turned off your power, you can now safely work on the burst pipe.

  1. Mop Up The Mess

The next thing to do is to mop up the mess that the burst pipe has created. You want to do this as quickly as possible so the damage doesn’t spread. Create a barrier of towels and rags around the perimeter. Try to dry the place quickly so your floorboards don’t soak too much excess water. Damp floorboards can give off an unpleasant, musty smell.

  1. Thaw Out Your Pipes

If your pipes burst because it’s frozen, you should thaw them out first. DON’T use fire though. This will lead to bigger problems, especially if your water pipe is next to a gas pipe. Wrap your pipes in towels soaked in hot water and wait for the ice to melt.

  1. Plug The Hole

Locate the hole and identify if there are other holes. Cover the hole securely with pipe sealant and let it dry. You can then turn the water supply back on just to see if you did a proper job.

Put a towel and a bucket underneath just in case there are micro leaks.

  1. Contact A Local Plumber

So you’ve remedied the situation. It’s now time to contact a professional plumber to replace your broken pipe. You read that right. The pipe sealant is just a temporary fix. What you want is a more permanent fix or you might end up with the same problem in a few days. It is still recommended that you let a local plumber check your pipes. This way, you can ensure that your pipes are working in perfect condition. Our plumbers can come to your property on the same day as your call.

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